Content Blocks

Learn about the different types & options for content blocks as well as many pre-built recipes.

Designer Tutorial

Get started designing for REC by running through this tutorial.

Learn Twig

Twig is the syntax we use inside our html template files.

Learn Sass / SCSS

SCSS is used in the new Rivendell templates, it's just CSS but with a few useful extras like simple variables, nesting, import files and more.


Using FTP to edit the templates and live reload your browser tabs as you code

HTTPS Migrations

Moving to HTTPS is a community guide to help move any site on any platform to HTTPS.

A Complete Guide to Flexbox

Unlike the other links, this guide takes you through using Flexbox, which is how we built this responsive grid.

Learn Git Version Control

Git is awesome version control for your code. Got 15 minutes and want to learn Git online?

Learn Chrome DevTools

Explore and master Chrome's excellent developer tools to help you build awesome sites

Learn HTML / CSS / Javascript

Treehouse is a great resource for getting up and started with web design. But many other similar sites are out there too :)

CSS-Tricks learning HTML & CSS

A great roundup of some of the best places to learn HTML & CSS in 2019

How DNS Works

A fun and very useful comic strip about how DNS works

How HTTPS Works

Like the DNS one, this is fun way to learn how HTTPS works

Mega Menus

A way of building a mega menus in REC

Tools We Use

Text editors, web apps and more we use on a daily basis.

Design Guides

Useful guides to all things Web Design

Keeping Up-to-Date

Newsletters and Blogs to follow to help keep your knowledge up-to-date

Designer / Template Docs

Available template tags, template functions we have and more.

Site Requests

Such as requesting a new site, making a site live, etc.

API Docs

How to get started with REC's API for development